
Fleetcor - Accredited Portal
Project Description
This application consists of grouping all transactions from partners who used the SemParar payment method. It works as if it were a kind of transparency portal for partners, working managing roles, permissions, groups of users roles, contestation, dispute modules
Front-End, Back-End, Solutions Architect, Dev Ops, UX
- Analyzing and configuring the Keycloak cluster;
- Analyze and Configure the Redis cluster;
- Building the skeleton code architecture template applying SOLID and Clean Architecture;
- Building the microservices granularity division based on the Domain Driven Design (DDD) application;
- Building the prototype in figma for the angular application development;
- Application viability study in kubernetes context given business requirements;
- Creating Frontend and Backend architectures diagram;
- Creating Frontend and SSO integration, session, auth module with keycloak;
- Building Various frontend components like , auth, session, group, user group, transactions components;
- Building Endpoints like /transaction , /users, /user-group, /dispute, /contestation;
- Debugging and resolving application issues;
- Writing integration tests using Jest;
- Optimizing API and UI applications performance;
Project Technologies and Tools

Accredited creation flow

This prototype made in Figma details the visual part of the registration process was made using the UI and UX concept